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What is the best way to get exposure to tech stocks on the Australian Market?

I want to invest in the Technology stocks of the U.S. market (Microsoft, Alphabet,etc.I know there is a E.T.F. called Betashare Nasdaq 100 NDQ on the Australian market.Is this the only one in Australia and how good is the fund without going into Tax implications and red tape by buying direct.
I am in pension phase ( 67 years of age) with a leading Industry fund and have a member direct (D.I.O.) fund with 80% allowance into direct shares and E.T.F. coverage.

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I bought shares when A2 Milk were under investigation – do I need to join the class action or will I automatically qualify?

News in the AFR is that class action against A2 Milk. I bought shares during the period under investigation thus do I need to join this action or do you automatically qualify? Further, in these instances in reality what happens? How will shareholders be compensated if the legal firm has a win?

I assume in these exercises only the lawyers benefit!

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