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Betashares ETF

What is your view of the Betashares Dividend Harvester ETF now that it has been tested in a falling market?

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Bank ratings

Paul has your preferred banks rating changed since the 18th August, and is it a good time to buy?

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Can you tell me if VAS pays a dividend and if so, how often. Roughly how much percentage is this a growth or dividend play?

Also, do you like HVST and VHY?

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Managed funds or ETFs

Which has a better return, a managed fund such as Platinum International/Asia or  its ASX equivalent, or some sort of ETF?

While high growth is ‘nice’, we prefer a balance of growth of about 8% to protect the base, and income of more than 8%, ideally paid half yearly.

I have a SMSF in pension phase.

  • $400k in cash at only 3% return (but helps us sleep at night)
  • $400k in shares with 9% growth and 9% dividends
  • $250k available for some regular income producing vehicles.

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