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Vita Group (VTG)

I have been very happy with the stellar performance of VTG over the last 18 months. Since paying a handsome dividend it has taken a dive, and with the resurgence in the market in the last 2 days, has continued to fall. I have scrutinised the results balance sheet etc., and cannot see any problems, it is clearly beyond me and I seek your expert advice.

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Inheritance money

Where to put the money!

I expect to inherit around $500k in a few months, possibly a further $1m if we sell the inherited property. I’m 54, my wife is 52. I have $730k in super, she has $189k. Both industry funds. My contributions are the max $35k per annum, and I switch them to the wife’s account each year to try and  even up the balances.

We have a mortgage of around $200k , owner occupied, and an interest only investment loan of $450k on a house of the same value. We are tossing up whether to buy a holiday home on the south coast to benefit the kids now, and possibly retire to later, or use the bring forward rule to put the maximum in super.

Can you help?

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Interested in LICs

I am interested in LIC’s. Could you advise me of a site that shows dividend percentages, and if they are trading at a premium/discount to NTA?

Also, if they are internally or externally managed and fee percentage.

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Building a portfolio

I have just joined Switzer and looking to build a portfolio, with 10 years to my retirement in mind. Should I try to stick to those stocks in your portfolio? Not too sure where to start, especially in this current market environment.

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Small trades

I have noticed in recent months a lot more small trades on some of the companies in which I invest. For example, a “boring” landlord REIT I hold fell by 2% this morning based on what appears to be a trade of one unit at $1.86. (Yes that’s a trade worth less than $2!) In all there have been 5 trades this morning to a total value of $71.

I can’t see what these sub-economic trades achieve? Do they move the market or has someone taken automated portfolio adjustment to a level far too low?

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