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Long term investing

This is more of a comment than a question.

Firstly we were told that the index would go to 6000 by the end of the year, and then for the last six months the advice from the Switzer experts has been buy banks and other quality shares on the dips.

We have read Charlie Aitken’s predictions, “buy Crown, buy Macquarie, it will be $100 by the end of the year, buy the banks…” Well, this advice has been disastrous. We should have all sold out of just about everything last year and now we are down many thousands of dollars as a result. It seems almost too late to get out now, but is it?

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In 2015 and as recommended by the Switzer Financial Planning team I purchased stock in CWNHA. Volatility has been quite low until the recent announcements by James Packer when the price for CWNHA dropped significantly, but the price for CWN jumped up proportionately. Are you able to explain the reason for CWNHA drop in price and what do you think it will do going forward?

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I hold a parcel of Asciano shares and have received a fair bit of correspondence from Asciano/Brookfield/Nitro Corp, etc., about an offer to acquire my holdings.

Can you please give me some advice/comment/opinion about the best course of action, given I have read another company is looking at a takeover also of Asciano.

I operate a SMSF in pension mode.

Appreciate any feedback.

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Selecting a corporate bond fund manager

Following on from a recent question on fixed interest, what are some tips on selecting a decent corporate bond fund manager?

I am looking at AMP Capital corporate bond fund, but keen to understand the ways to evaluate this against others. Any advice appreciated, along with some “top bond manager” tips.

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Small and mid caps

We would like to diversify our SMSF portfolio to include some small/mid cap shares as the sector has performed better than the top 20.

Can you please give me your view on Microequities Deep Value Microcap Fund.

If in your opinion there are other similar funds, please inform me of the same.

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