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Where to put your cash

Paul, I have sold a large portion of shares in my super portfolio and now hold cash.

What is a good place to hold it and get a decent return until  the market improves?

I keep hearing about bonds, but have no experience of them.

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Two super funds

I currently have two super funds.

One, an SMSF, which holds a residential property without loans and some Australian shares.

The other, an industry super fund, is invested in approximately 30% Australian shares and approximately 30% international shares. The rest is in a balanced option.

Therefore, a relatively high exposure to shares. Given the current market conditions, I am loath to change the allocations too much. I am considering rolling the industry fund balance into the SMSF. I am looking at retiring in around two years time. What are your thoughts on investment options for the new funds going into the SMSF?

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Super contributions

Your answer to the question regarding adding to super after the age of 65 confuses me.

My understanding is that one can contribute up to $180k pa as a non-deductible contribution, without working , up to turning 75 years old, and that the 40 hours work requirement after turning 75 applies to deductible contributions of $35k pa.


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AGL seems to be holding up well in a bad market. Is this sustainable, or should I sell my AGL shares while they are relatively high?

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