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I am looking at some bank listed securities and note that NABHA is trading at a large discount to face value (less than $65). It has a small margin of BBSW +1.25%, which still makes it a reasonable return given the price. But I believe that this does not qualify as Tier 1 capital and will become less so as time goes by. It’s cheap money for the bank but is this likely to be redeemed for the reason of not qualifying in your opinion?

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Ardent Leisure

I think your team is fantastic and I look forward to your newsletters.

My husband is 70 & I’m 69 – both retired. I manage our super fund and hold $250,000 in shares. The shares I bought years ago are fine, but the shares bought a year ago are a problem, such as Ardent leisure.

I want to hold my shares but need to rejig my portfolio. Can someone help me to unload shares that won’t come back, to shares that can turn around?

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Small caps

I have been a follower of Geoff Wilson ever since his initial float was recommended by Rene Rivkin.

As I understand it, he mainly invests in smaller caps and performs very well. I am wondering whether it’s time to switch more funds to the smaller end of the market via say, Ausbil’s managed fund and/or Chris Hemming’s ‘Under The Radar’ recommendations. I would appreciate your views (perhaps after today sitting tight for a bit may be best?).

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Holding cash

Holding a reasonable amount of cash at the moment having exited the market about a month ago. Sitting on the sidelines watching the carnage happen in the market.

Have an SMSF which is in retirement phase, so protecting capital is important as is trying to maintain some distribution. Still holding some major bank hybrids which I am happy to hold and still holding some NAB share which have just recently gone under what I paid for them a few years back.

Seems that most of the experts are still forecasting volatility in the market for some time to come, just wondering what to look for to decide getting back into the market with the view of picking up reasonable yielding bank stocks?

They seem to have been oversold, yet with the fear in the market there may well be more selling off. When would be a good time to get back in the market?

Is it better to keep the gun powder dry for the moment?

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British super

My daughter has left to work in London for 1 – 2 years. I have no idea of the British superannuation scheme. My question – if you could answer it – is, should she contribute to the British scheme whilst there, or somehow contribute to her Australian super?

Thank you for your commentary on the markets.


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Investing at 21 years old

Hi Peter, what do you think would be good way for a 21 year old to start stock investing?

I have a few thousand dollars put away and as a student I have a part time job. LICS, ETF’s, index funds , direct shares have all been suggested to me. I’m confused.

Could you help please?

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