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The Big Short

In a movie I saw recently, they showed how the US banks greed had caused the GDC in 2008. They finished by saying we are in a similar situation now. What are the chances of it happening now again?

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Capitol Health

In Tony’s recent article on healthcare stocks, he mentions a future article on the stock, Capitol Health. Could you kindly let me know when such article is scheduled to be published?

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Bench marking your SMSF

My question relates to bench marking my SMSF.

How do you suggest that the performance of an SMSF be assessed? Should it be against a common index fund, or better still, against industry performance data?

Where can I find monthly, quarterly and yearly bench marking data, suitable for me to say whether I am ahead or behind an “industry Superfund”?

Thanks for your advice.

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Three stocks

I bought these three stocks a year or so ago in response to what seemed to be a general view (at that time) in favour of stocks with overseas activities: Magellan Finance, Platinum Asset Management and Macquarie Group.

As of market close today, Friday, 4 March, I am 23% up on MFG,11% up on PTM and 11% down on MQG, after considerable gyrations in all three in recent weeks.

Am inclined to regard MFG and PTM as longer term investments, but wonder about MQG.

I would greatly appreciate your views.

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