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What is going on with SRX? I am new in the stock market.

Thank you.

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Demerger of CYBG

Regarding the demerger of CYBG Plc from National Bank, could you please advise if possible what the cost base deduction for NAB? I understand that is something to do with the trading price for the week of the 8th February 2016?

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Investor Strategy Day

Thanks very much to Peter and the team for organising an insightful strategy day last week. The presenters and panels really held my attention. One of the many potential strategies I brought away was the commentary around hedging overseas investments against a potential rising Aussie dollar. I believe Charlie was suggesting a 50% hedge based on the current Forex “climate”.

My question is … how would one go about achieving a 50% hedging on say a AUD $25,000 investment. I understand the principles behind hedging, but I would appreciate some guidance on the practical application perhaps utilising the above example. One option being a direct investment on the NYSE with USD (equivalent to AUD $25,000) and the other option being a AUD $25,000 investment in an US ETF (say IVV) on the ASX.

I’ve heard of Forward Contracts and FX Options but I’m not sure how these or perhaps other strategies could be applied to provide the appropriate level of hedging. Can you please share your thoughts?

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CYBG strategy

Hi Paul – CYBG has appeared in our Growth Portfolio. Not too sure what strategy to use here. Do we sell (exit the position) or do we carry it as part of a de-facto NAB share for now?

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Long term investing

As a long term investor, I am conscious of the fortunate (since I’m one) ageing population influence. Would you recommend AMP and Challenger at this stage?

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