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In specie contributions

I have some shares that I wish to transfer into my SMSF. I am a full time PAYG Employee with some ABN Income. If I wish to make an in-specie contribution into my SMSF shall this be a concessional or a non concessional contribution?

Would you recommend I do this as a contribution or as a sale?

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Transurban (TCL)

I have just read Charlie Aitken’s article on TCL, with which I strongly concur. I have also recently read articles on the impending great recession/depression which is about to ravage the world economies, and various ways to prepare for this likely/unlikely event.

Various measures include buying large quantities of gold (the real stuff, not paper) and investing in ‘hard’ assets. My question to Mr Aitken is whether he considers TCL a hard asset, owning as it does many quality roads with a strong moat, and whether this company would be a suitable investment to guard my capital against this depression if and when it arrives.

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Portfolio diversification

I have a SMSF with a portfolio which I have been modelling on your income portfolio, but it’s not as diversified as it should be. The financial section being 45%. There are three ETF’s – STW, VEU and AGF.

Recently I went to a financial adviser who wants to sell everything and buy better ETF’s with a high percentage overseas.

I have been reasonably confident that our market will go back up, but now not sure what to do.

The financial adviser will charge $2,000 to provide a plan. And as I’m a asset rich and cash poor pensioner I’m determined to ensure I do the right thing before spending any money.

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Qube Holdings

Are there any recent articles on Qube Holdings to help me decide whether to take up their current retail entitlement offer?

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Is Woolworths still worth holding in a portfolio? I can’t see anything recent on this stock.


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