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What is your view on buying into the DUE retail rights issue?

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The big four banks

I am holding a fair share of my portfolio in the big four banks which are paying good dividends for my SMSF.

With them dropping and dropping , do you feel I should sell part of each or as suggested by Paul, hold on as they should start moving when people realise their actual losses are a very small percentage of their profits?

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Investing in gold

At the Switzer Investor Day you spoke about gold in the portfolio. I am just about to invest via an ETF. Beta has theirs hedged and ANZ is unhedged. Which way should I go? The fees are .65% & .40% respectively. I will be doing my broking online.


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Australian Leaders Fund – ALF

ALF – you quoted on 24 March (in Tony Featherstone’s report), that ALF “trades at a 10% premium to its latest pre-tax net tangible assets, meaning investors are paying more for its assets than they’re worth on the market”. Where does one pick up this information when considering buying into this Fund? Also, Tony stated that “waiting to buy the well-run ALF on any narrowing of the gap between the share price and NTA makes sense”.

Going on the fact that the share price has slipped recently (5/4/2016), is there a reason, or is that gap narrowing and it is worth investing?

Thank you.

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In Specie Contributions


A further question to my previous query about in specie contributions.

If I am allowed to transfer my ASX listed shares into the SMSF as a in specie contribution (not as a sale) what sort of CGT will this attract, if any?


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Transition to retirement

I will be retiring within 2 years and I have a transition to retirement pension that is reinvested each year in our SMSF. Once I stop work (my wife has already stopped) how do we start drawing down on our super?

I assume we can do so within our SMSF by drawing down on investments but uncertain on what rules and monetary restrictions would apply.

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