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Managed Discretionary Account

1). What are your views on using a Managed Discretionary Account for super investments? My new financial advisor is recommending this and uses Findex for the MDA. As our Super investment results have been poor since 1999, my hope would be a greater diversity as stock picking by an Advisor has been bad for us to this point.

2). My wife and I are the only members of our SMSF and we will both be 65 by August this year. He is also recommending that in conjunction with the first question, we keep all funds in super but close the SMSF. He maintains that this would save accountant costs and provides an “anti detriment payment” benefit should one of us die.

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2gb talk

Hi Paul,

I caught the end of your talk on 2GB last night (20/04/16), you were talking about what PAYG can do now, before the Budget potentially reduces super concessions. I think you said you’d been blogging about it, but I’ve looked at your recent commentary and can’t find it. I suppose it’s just get in any lump sums in now (concessional & non concessional) up to the cap or what we can afford, before the budget. Is that it?

(I’m thinking of making a lump sum spouse contribution to my wife’s super as her balance is much lower than mine).

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SMSF with trading losses

A SMSF fund has trading losses accumulated with two persons over 65 and in pension phase, and another unrelated young person joins the fund and starts contributing to the pension fund and becomes a trustee.

If the pensioners exhaust all their funds, will fund trading losses remain in the fund and be available as credits for future trading gains to the young fund member?

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ASX meeting

A few weeks ago I went to a meeting hosted by the ASX where they had a number of presenters talking about their products.
A presenter from SMSF Technical Solutions and Super Concepts mentioned that you are allowed to lend your private money to the SMSF at 0% interest. I queried him on this during the break and he was very definite that it is correct.
I have asked my accountant and other people and they say you cannot do it.
Do you know anything about it?

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Income portfolio

I want to model the Australian Equities component in my SMSF based on your income portfolio, what’s the best way to keep track of changes you make from time to time, do you have any notification services or do I have to keep watching the Super Report web pages?

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