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Tamawood and Villaworld

Tamawood (TWD) and Villaworld (VLW).
Our SMSF share portfolio is heavily weighted towards financials. In an effort to diversify and maintain a healthy fully franked yield we purchased some TWD and VLW approx 6 months ago.
Given the current low returns on Term Deposits and not wanting to add more financials to our share portfolio at this stage we are considering more TWD and/or VLW.
Our research indicates that both of these companies are sound businesses offering good yield. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

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Stock to buy given Brexit

I am considering buying 2 of the following due to brexit. Which of the 2 do you consider has the most upside, considering the pricing today. Stocks are,

cyb clydesdale
bt investments
hendersons hgg


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Clarification on SMSF contributions

To clarify, this year if >50 you can only contribute a maximum of $35,000 to your SMSF. The existing ‘catch up’ of $180,000 pa for 3 years is not available for this year?
Please also confirm that an ‘in specie’ transfer of shares from your personal name into your SMSF is treated as part of this cap. It will trigger a CGT event and if further down the track the shares are sold within the SMSF, CGT would be payable again?
Thanks for your clarification on these points.

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Changing my concessional contribution

I am with SASS super fund since Dec 1986. I contribute 9% of my salary as Concessional contribution. This sum will exceed the $25,000 concessional contribution cap after 1 Jul 2017. There is a note that ‘For individuals who were members of a funded defined benefit scheme as at 12 May 2009 , the existing grandfathering arrangements will continue.
Can you please explain what this grandfathering arrangement is? Will I be able to contribute at the same rate without penalty or do I need to lower my percentage contribution?

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Continuing a TTR

I am over 60, still employed and have started a TTR. With the changes in the May budget, will the 15% tax on earnings still apply irrespective of age i.e over 60’s. Since I have to withdraw at least 4% to 10% every year (which currently, I am re-contributing as Non Concessional contribution) does it make sense to maintain the TTR after 1 Jul 2017 as there is no tax concession on the earnings and I will be ‘using’ up my Non concessional cap of 500K by re-contribution?

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Concessional contributions threshold

Reduction in the threshold on Concessional contributions
As from 1 Jul 2017, this changes from $300,000 to $250,000. Can you please tell me what is included in the threshold. Is salary sacrifice (salary, motor vehicle), employer contributions (9.25%) also included?

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