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Rights allocation of Elders shares

I hold 5,000 Elders shares & intend to take up my rights allocation of 1,250 shares. As you are able to take up more than your entitlement, do you think it would be a good idea to apply for more shares?
Also, there used to be a site called where you could get comprehensive information such as daily share prices for the last 12 months. It has disappeared so do you know of any other such site where you can get daily prices for the past 12 months on shares?

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Gold ETFs

I am thinking of buying a gold ETF. Not having bought one before, do you have any suggestions?

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Diversifying from banks

As a retiree with a SMSF and in pension mode, I am definitely over weight in the banks. I am familiar with your income portfolio, but no other businesses come CLOSE to the banks, (except Telstra) in terms of consistent dividends, high yield, fully franked and well managed. There is a 2 -3+ % difference in gross yield! Some say to diversify to spread the risk, (with the consequence of a lower return), so as to average out the bumps. The banks are the cornerstone of the economy, they invest/loan funds to businesses. If an industry or major company falls upon bad times, their share price falls, AND, as the banks are investors to these companies their share price in turn falls; the opposite occurs in good times. If I view the banks as a VERY LARGE DIVERSIFIED fund manager, paying great returns, why should I diversify to another company with less returns?

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Areit Trust Fund

In your view will Brexit have an impact on unlisted property trusts and in particular the

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Investing in Zenith

I looked at Zenith. I think the costs are too high and the real NTA of 86 cents too low for a 7.6% return. To get back to my $1 unit price a 7.5% price uplift of over $21m is required. I think there are better property syndicates around !!

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