Can you give any ETF suggestions that you may like going forward?

I have recently sold an investment property within my SMSF. I am thinking of investing the proceeds spread over a number of ETF’s. I was considering the Beta QRE and SMLL. can you provide your thoughts on this proposal and give any other ETF suggestions that you may like going forward.?
Regards Laurie

A: Without knowing the construct of your portfolio, it is impossible for me to say whether you should just have exposure to mining, oil, and small companies. It seems to be a big play on the growth theme.

Typically, I would suggest that investors to more diversified (at least for the core), and then weight perhaps the satellite to higher risk positions. On the core, consider VAS or IOZ.

With Betashares SMLL, this is an actively managed fund. Seems to be performing okay, but the track record is still relatively short.

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