Can you please suggest some good research sources which rank funds/LIC’s/ETF’s and what is best to look for when researching?

I enjoy your value-added report and webinars. I’m a shareholder in SHYF.
I have a SMSF with approximately 47 stocks and some LIC’s and funds for small/micro cap, long/short and international eg Ausbil Microcap, Bennelong Market Neutral Fund, Evans and Partners International Fund, MGF, MHH, ACQ, PAI, and WQG.
I have read enough of your ‘wise information’ to realise I have too many stocks which make it difficult to manage, particularly not knowing when to sell! I am 62 and am conscious of pending retirement/wealth preservation.
I would therefore like to simplify it more by liquidating some positions and put in it into LIC’s.
However, there is a plethora of LIC’s out there.
I also like to invest in a thematic ie EV and have holdings in MIN, ORE, SFR, WSA.
I would appreciate your feedback (and if possible providing some names) on:
1. Strong performing/good management LIC’s or ETF’s in EV theme
2. Strong performing/good management LIC’s or ETF’s cyber security theme
3. Strong performing/good management LIC’s or ETF’s in domestic market
4. Strong performing/good management LIC’s or ETF’s focused on income
5. Strong performing/good management LIC’s or ETF’s focused on growth
Is there also a good research website which ranks funds/LIC’s/ETF’s and what is best to look for when researching?

A: Can I also draw your attention to Monday’s (3 May) Switzer Report, which touched on the broad based LIC and ETFs, and investing in lithium/EV.


  1. The only ASX listed LIC/ETF covering lithium/EV is ACDC (refer to James Dunn’s article on Monday);
  2. The only ASX listed LIC/ETF covering cyber security is Beta shares HACK;
  3. See Monday’s article re ETFs and broad based LICs. I don’t recommend LICs when trading at a premium, so I would buy the index ETF from Vanguard, VAS.  If after an active manager. I would look at Airlie Australian Share Fund, ASX: AASF;
  4. Income – Vanguard High Yield ETF (VHY), SWTZ  or EIGA
  5. WAM from Wilson Asset Management has a good performance record, but is trading at an awful premium. I would consider AASF (above), or VAS

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