SMSF advice

I’m about 2 years out from retirement (even though I may continue on a 2 or 3 day a week basis).
I recently read that, at my age, (69) my SMSF “really shouldn’t be in equities”.
If that is the case, what are the alternatives to equities for an SMSF-er of my age?
I am currently 55% cash, having brought that up from 30% over last few months.

A: Thanks for the question. I don’t agree in general with the statement that “you shouldn’t be in equities”. Most people at 69 will live (statistically) for another 20 to 25 years – which is probably several economic cycles – I would be surprised if you don’t need some growth assets.


Obviously, I can’t make this statement about you because I don’t know anything about your personal financial situation, investment objectives or particular needs.


Alternatives to equities – cash, term deposits, fixed interest securities, hybrid securities, mortgage funds, commercial property, infrastructure, collectables such as art etc


If you are interested in income opportunities, why not come along to the Switzer Income Conference – see details in the coming weeks in the Switzer Report.

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