Ranking the Big 4 Banks

If I have $50K to invest where should I focus my investment on? I am attracted to the yields of the banks and Telstra.

What is your opinion on the banks and the likely share price trend especially with the upcoming Royal Commission? How would you rank the big four?


A: Thanks for the question, but legally, I can’t answer your question without a full understanding of your investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs.

I can say, however, that I quite like the banks and aren’t that perturbed by “Royal Commission” risk. My view is somewhat at odds with the market.

Commonwealth Bank reports tomorrow so my views might change, but if I had to rate the banks, this is my order:

  1. ANZ
  2. CBA
  3. Westpac
  4. NAB


I hasten to add that the differences are very much at the margin – they are largely pursuing the same strategies.



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