Betashares HVST ETF

We have had Betashares HVST ETF in our super fund for about 6 months and it has returned great results for us as the monthly dividend adds up to over 10% pa and about 3% capital gains in the last 6 months. It has gone better than most things over that period. I know you have reported on it in other questions but nothing recently. Can you update your opinion on it now based on performance in the last 6 months please and advise on possible downsides to HVST.

A: Thanks for the question.

HVST has certainly lifted its performance.
According to their July figures:
Last 3 months 7.39% (S&P/ASX 200 index 6.88%
Last 12 months 5.31% (S&P/ASX 200 2.37%)

The main risk is that due to their investment approach, investors go through a sustained period of underperformance, as occurred with this fund in 2015.

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