Health insurance stocks

I had some medicare and NIB shares bought cheaply and sold when the prices were higher, taking a profit. I intended to buy them back when they fell. They have now fallen, but I feel the money would be better spent on some of your recently recommended shares like CYBG and PPC and SXE and AWC. What do you recommend?

A: Thanks for the question

I don’t think there is much value in the health insurance stocks (MPL or NHF), so I can’t argue about taking profits per se.
Both stocks are low beta, and the market also doesn’t perceive much downside risk.

The other stocks you mentioned are smaller and generally higher risk – so I would be inclined to invest proportionately. Of the stocks you mentioned, I probably feel most comfortable about CYBG.  I also like Charlie’s recommendation about Soul Pattinson (SOL)  – although it seems to have already taken a leap up.

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