
I hold a parcel of Asciano shares and have received a fair bit of correspondence from Asciano/Brookfield/Nitro Corp, etc., about an offer to acquire my holdings.

Can you please give me some advice/comment/opinion about the best course of action, given I have read another company is looking at a takeover also of Asciano.

I operate a SMSF in pension mode.

Appreciate any feedback.

A: My understanding is that:

a) The Asciano Board continues to unanimously recommend the Brookfield bid;
b) At Brookfield’s request, the ACCC has extended its period of consultation to consider further undertakings from Brookfield. The ACCC review won’t be completed until 18 Feb.

Unless you need the cash, I think you sit tight and wait for the ACCC to rule – this takeover has some way to play out yet.

Hope this helps.

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