Refreshing your pension

Hi Tony,

I am going to refresh my pension on 30/6/15.

We are thinking about changing to a corporate trustee at some stage.

If I do this, will that mean the pension will need to be refreshed at that time again, or does it just carry on with the trustee change in place?

I am thinking changing trustee and refreshing the pension at the same time would be a lot to digest.

A: No, the pension shouldn’t have to be refreshed if you change to a corporate trustee.

I can’t think of a situation when this would be a requirement – but to be on the safe side it might be a good idea to check your pension’s documentation to make sure there are no unintended consequences.

Yes, I think refreshing the pension and changing trustee at the same time can be a bit messy.

I like to keep everything as simple as possible so maybe do them in clear steps so nothing is missed or done incorrectly.

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